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b!Gollem: User's Guide

The Gollem application is divided into two modules, the Game Module and the Breeding Module. The Module menu is used to change which module is active (the "checked" item is active). The menu bar and the meaning of some menu commands change according to which module is active.

The Game Module

The game module is used to play a game of go, either against the computer or against another person. See below for a description of the menu commands , windows, and dialog boxes.

Game Module Menu Commands

 o The File Menu

file menu

When the Game Module is active, File menu items perform the following tasks:

 o The Edit Menu

Items in the Edit menu are also implemented within the Game Module:

 o The Game Menu

The Game menu allows users to control various aspects of the display and rules of the game.

game menu

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Game Module Windows

 o The Board Window
The board window is where the real action takes place.

the board window

The status bar, if any, and the pointer (arrow) indicate which player is to move. Simply click on an intersection, or select Pass from the Game menu to make your move.

 o The History Window
The history window indicates the moves that have been made thus far in the game. Moves are listed as x,y (horizontal, vertical) coordinates.

the history window

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Game Module Dialogs

 o The Rules Dialog Box
The rule dialog box is shown below. Many of the standard rule-sets can be selected by simply pushing the appropriate button and users may select particular options in order to create their own "house rules".

rules dialog box

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The Breeding Module

The Breed Module is used "evolve" Gollem. By playing against itself, Gollem can learn new strategies, making Gollem a dynamic opponent.

Gollem plays go by running small "programs" that help it determine where to move next. Each program is a sequence of "genetic functions" that explore and manipulate information about the game in progress. Gollem learns by creating new programs from old ones by recombining the sequences of genetic functions, and then determining which programs are more "fit" for playing the game. This technique is known as "genetic programming". An introduction to genetic programming can be found in the next section, and a description of b!Gollem's genetic architecture can be found in the section after that.

See below for a description of the menu commands, windows, and dialog boxes.

Breeding Module Menu Commands

 o The File Menu

When the Breeding Module is active, File menu items perform the following tasks:

 o The Breeding Menu

The Breeding menu allows the user to specify how Gollem's evolution takes place.

breeding menu

Breeding menu items perform the following tasks:

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Breeding Module Windows

 o The Board Window is described in the Game Module section.

 o The History Window is described in the Game Module section.

 o A Breeding Window that displays a summary of the breeding information is planned.

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Breeding Module Dialogs

 o The Rules Dialog Box is described in the Game Module section.

 o The Population Parameters Dialog Box
The population parameters dialog box is shown below. Using the population parameters dialog box, users can specify the size of the "programs" (strategies) that are bred, and which "genetic functions" are available to the programs. (See a later section for more information on the Gollem genetic architecture.)

population parameters dialog box

The size of a population is set within the breeding parameters dialog box.

 o The Breeding Parameters Dialog Box
The breeding parameters dialog box determines how the individuals in a new population are created.

breeding parameters dialog box

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